Block Bond® claw adhesive | single dose | incl. cannula | (25 ml)
- Practical single dose
- High adhesive forces and tough elastic consistency
- One of the fastest claw adhesives on the market (after only 1 - 2 seconds the adhesive shows initial adhesion)
BLOCK BOND®, a claw adhesive of the latest generation, was specially developed for professional claw caretakers. Due to the innovative adhesive technology, the new 2-component polyurethane adhesive can be used efficiently and successfully in summer and winter (even under extreme conditions and temperatures ranging from -10 C° to + 30 C°). A significant advantage is the high strength as well as the enormous speed in processing. The patent-pending BLOCK BOND® formula also completely dispenses with carcinogenic ingredients and fulfils all requirements and official restrictions according to the REACH regulation.
Delivery includes a cannula.
Technical data:
Chemical base: polyurethane
Mixing ratio: 1:1 max.
Gap bridging: optimum 3 mm, max. 10 mm
Working temperature: 0 °C to +30 °C
Storage: -10 °C to + 23 °C (frost-proof product!)
Shelf life: 12 - 18 months
Curing times at room temperature
Working time: 10 - 20 s
Skin forming time: 15 - 25 s
Setting time: 2:00 - 2:30 min
Curing time / time to full load: approx. 3:30 - 4:00 min
Temperature development: approx. 65 °C after 2:00 min
- Practical single dose
- High adhesive forces and tough elastic consistency
- One of the fastest claw adhesives on the market (after only 1 - 2 seconds the adhesive shows initial adhesion)
- Wide gap filling capacity max. 6 mm
- High storage stability: shelf life 12 months / storage at -10 °C to +23 °C (even up to 35 °C for short periods)
- Maximum 4 minutes treatment time
- Resistant to urine and manure
- Meets all strict requirements and regulatory restrictions of the REACH Regulation
- Mandatory user training according to EU Regulation 2020/1149 ("isocyanate driving licence") not applicable
Your direct line to us

Do you have questions about our products? Our contact persons are at your disposal.
Tel: +49 (0)5631 565-100

H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction
H332 Harmful by inhalation
H335 May cause respiratory irritation
- Use biocides with care. Always read the label and product information before use