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Rat traps

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KLAKTRAP live rat trap | rectangular (41 cm)

  • User-friendly thanks to uncomplicated application
  • Efficient and safe
  • Robust and durable design
  • Pet-friendly

KLAKTRAP rat trap | live trap (40 cm)

  • Uncomplicated application
  • Pet-friendly
  • Robust and durable

BoxTrap live trap with 2 sliding doors (50 cm x 20 cm x 20 cm)

  • Ideal for catching small animals
  • Robustly constructed
  • Weather resistant

BoxTrap live trap with sliding door for rats

  • Ideal for catching rats
  • Robustly constructed
  • Easy to carry

  • Ideal for catching predatory game
  • Universally applicable
  • Highly effective and harmless
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