Das Herz an der richtigen Stelle
Als traditionsreiches Unternehmen ist sich horizont seiner gesellschaftlichen Verantwortung bewusst und engagiert sich in der Region und über Landesgrenzen hinweg in zahlreichen sozialen Projekten. Hier finden Sie einige unserer interessantesten Projekte der vergangenen Jahre.

Eine Signalleuchte für die Kita „Tante Käthe“
Um kleinen Kindern Gegenstände des täglichen Lebens näherzubringen, wünschte sich die Kita „Tante Käthe“ eine Signalleuchte. Hiervon erfuhr die horizont group und spendete spontan eine Euroblitz-Signalleuchte aus dem eigenen Sortiment. Der Euroblitz wird im Baustellenraum der neu eröffneten Kita zum Einsatz kommen. Der horizont-Auszubildende Lucas Esleben übergab die Euroblitz-Leuchte an Erzieherin Ramona Ziehr sowie die stellvertretende Kita-Leiterin Irina Bartel Beja (v.l.n.r.).

Spendensammlung für die Ukraine
Im Zeitraum vom 18. bis 20.03.2022 haben wir in Zusammenarbeit mit unserer Tochterfirma Rolos, befreundeten Unternehmen in der Region, dem Team von Network Waldeck-Frankenberg, sowie mit der Unterstützung der regionalen Tageszeitung eine große Spendenaktion auf die Beine gestellt, um ukrainischen Flüchtlingen in Ihrer Not beizustehen. Stolze drei Tonnen Hilfsgüter wurden dabei gespendet und zielgerichtet in Abstimmung mit lokalen Hilfsorganisationen an Flüchtlinge aus der Ukraine und in die Ukraine geliefert. #StandWithUkraine

Fundraising campaign for victims of the flood disaster
The flood disaster in July 2021 destroyed a lot of livelihoods and cost the lives of animals and people. horizont, in cooperation with the company Elektro Saure, launched an appeal for donations for animal husbandry products and was able to receive many donations. In addition to the donations received, horizont also donated a van full of electric fencing products. The donations were handed over to the feed aid NRW Rheinland-Pfalz and thus could benefit the people and animals in need.

Trainees support Edersee Wildlife Park
Also our trainees are regularly involved in charity work and support various organisations on a voluntary basis. This year, four of our trainees were at the Edersee Wildlife Park and spent a day there helping to feed the animals, build new enclosures and clean up from previous woodwork.

Vaccinations against the coronavirus
To stop the pandemic and protect our employees and fellow human beings, we held a vaccination campaign in June and July 2021. Anyone who wanted to could get a free vaccination from our company doctor. The campaign was a complete success and we hope to have made a decisive contribution to fighting the pandemic.

Donation for Circus Barelli
Circus Gebrüder Barelli were hard struck by pandemic and the resulting lockdowns and were unable to generate any income for several months. horizont therefore supported them with an in-kind donation of new animal husbandry products so that the circus family's 40+ large animals can continue to be cared for.

Parcels of joy
For several years, horizont has supported the organisation LOGOS Global Vision e.V. from Korbach and diligently packs parcels for needy children in Romania in November. The children there have often never received a gift for Christmas, so horizont wants to help and put a little smile on their faces this way. The packages are brought to Romania by LOGOS before Christmas together with other aid supplies and distributed to the children by volunteers. The campaign takes place every year in November and participation is open to everyone.

Donation of soldering stations to schools
We are always particularly pleased when we can support schools in the area with donations. The students of the MPS Sachsenhausen will work with horizont soldering stations in the future. horizont has donated several soldering irons to the school and can thus support their work.